Chocolate Eggnog Smoothie

Chocolate Eggnog Smoothie by PamperedPaleoHey guys!!! Sorry I’ve been MIA the last few weeks. I was going to do another week of recipes for Christmas and the holidays like I did for Thanksgiving, but I decided to just stick with family recipes/other people’s recipes and really enjoy myself during this season. Boy did I make a lot of cookies. And eat a lot of cookies. Continue reading “Chocolate Eggnog Smoothie”

Grilled Peaches with Four Ingredient Vanilla Ice Cream and Coconut Whipped Cream

Grilled Peaches with 4 Ingredient Vanilla Ice Cream

I bring this recipe to you as I sit cuddled up in blankets and fuzzy socks in my bed because it is freezing outside. So it may not be the best time for posting an ice cream recipe, but I really wish it was. I really wish it was warm and I could grill. Continue reading “Grilled Peaches with Four Ingredient Vanilla Ice Cream and Coconut Whipped Cream”

Blueberry Coconut Flour Waffles

Blueberry Coconut Flour Waffles with Blueberry Banana "Fluff" by PamperedPaleoWaffles are like the movie trailers of heaven’s cafeteria food. They’re just a preview of all the amazing, perfect food to come in the afterlife. At least that’s the way I see it. Continue reading “Blueberry Coconut Flour Waffles”

Bacon Roasted Broccoli

Bacon Roasted BroccoliA lot of people think I’m crazy for liking vegetables as much as I do. I never understand why though. Like, I honestly look forward to eating carrots and celery with Justin’s maple almond butter and raisins Continue reading “Bacon Roasted Broccoli”